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Episode 65: Beth Santos - CEO and Founder of Wanderful

“Travel is three things: challenging your preconceptions, trying something new, and being comfortable with discomfort.”

Hi Meaningful Travelers!

I’m Trisha Sacramone, an intern here at Travel With Meaning. I produced this episode of the podcast and it’s an honor to be able to start off season 4 of TWM™. I hope our community enjoys the new travel content yet to come and our extraordinary guests this season!

Beth Santos is the founder and CEO of Wanderful, a global travel network for women. Wanderful reaches over 45,000 women each year through a thriving online membership network, local chapter events in 50 cities, global summits and small group trips. In this podcast we start at her earliest travel memory all the way to her most recent family camping trip. Her inspiring journey that led her to become one of 17 changemakers shaping the future of the travel industry by Business Insider starts with a college trip to Portugal.

Beth’s family is Portuguese, so she felt the need to go to Portugal to connect with her family’s history. She ended up staying an entire year in Portugal and becoming fluent in Portuguese. Learning and speaking the language led her to a Portuguese speaking country on the west coast of Africa, São Tomé and Príncipe, where Wanderful started.

I felt a connection with Beth’s story because of her desire to reconnect with her heritage. Especially because she did it later in life (college) when most people say it’s too late. It’s not that I necessarily feel disconnected from my Hispanic roots but I am missing a huge part of that culture: the language. My mother did not teach me Spanish so there’s always been that disconnect. I know my mother had her reasons like Beth’s father did, but her story makes me want to try harder to bridge that gap in my life. Beth shares the story of her family and much more in this episode that is both impressive and inspiring. I hope you enjoy her travel stories as much as I did.

While you’re here, check out Wanderfest. An outdoor travel festival created by Wanderful for women but all are welcome! Wanderfest will take place on March 12-13, 2022 in New Orleans, LA. Join hundreds of travel lovers from around the world for a weekend filled with inspiring speakers, live music, engaging conversations, and a soul sisterhood that will last you a lifetime.

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